Planing your best snorkeling adventure. Snorkeling is probably the most important activity for holiday enjoyment. Cuba is known for having some of the world’s best snorkeling spots, rich coral reef, high visibility and colourful schools of fish.

Snorkeling centers on both at northern and southern coasts of Cuba. For many people Caribbean snorkeling vacation provides superb tropical island holiday experience. Always travel with own snorkeling equipment. Caribbean Fishes +
Experts consider that seabed of Cuba Island is among the top places in the Caribbean, due to its abundant marine life and extraordinarily beautiful coral reefs, as well as marine species, such as colourful reef fishes, sea turtles. A true snorkeler’s paradise. The most people going on a snorkeling holiday, they can also experience charms of the island nightlife. Note, proof of medical coverage is mandatory for all Tourists.
Snorkeling in Cuba is lots of fun, the main attraction areas:
• Maria la Gorda – Guanacahabibes peninsula
Biosphere Reserve located in the western end of Cuba. Maria la Gorda it’s one of the most remote spots in the Caribbean, so those who make the effort to get there are rewarded with pristine snorkeling.
Experts consider that the seabed at Maria la Gorda is among the top places in the Caribbean, due to its abundant marine life and extraordinarily beautiful black corals.
• Ancon Peninsula near Trinidad Cuba
From Marlin marina near the Hotel Ancon, catamaran snorkeling trips that take in Cayo Blanco or Cayo Iguanas, an unspoiled reef a little way off the coast. The Cayo Iguanas, uninhabited islets surrounded by rich coral reefs and crystalline water, protected as a national marine park a pristine spot, teeming with tropical fish.
• Bay of Pigs – Zapata Peninsula terrific coral formation
Coral reef hugs the shore so closely you’ll be able to encounter hundreds of species of fish and coral with just a few meters offshore. Playa Larga at the head of the “Bahia de Cochinos” Bay of Pigs. Playa Giron top attraction is the sheer drop off the island’s underwater platform. Unforgettable place for snorkeling is Caleta buena
• Cayo Santa Maria – Cayo las Brujas are among the best snorkeling sites.
There you’ll find 20 miles of beautiful coral gardens, colourful fishes, turtles, dolphins.
With shallow reefs and crystalline waters, providentially offers excellent snorkeling opportunities. Visitors are treated to a thriving underwater world, with myriad fish and sea creatures, dramatic coral formations, colorful fans and impressive walls.
• Jibacoa Bay situated in an isolated gorgeous bay, bounded by green hills, at the north coast of Cuba. One of the most beautiful beaches in Cuba, an ideal spot for nature lovers. The quantity of tropical sea life beneath the surface is simply astounding.
Located halfway between Havana and Varadero Jibacoa hotels •
• Playa Esmeralda – Guardalavaca beach northern coast of Holguin.
The area’s are well defined snorkelling sites, Playa Pesquero is another favourite spot for snorkelers. Decent depth for shore snorkeling and variety of species. Schools of squid, coral reefs. Snorkelers can get close with thousands of vibrant underwater species, and fabulous underwater topography.
• Cayo Coco – Cayo Guillermo
Coral reefs offer attractive underwater landscapes. Great visibility, incredible diversity: morays, lionfish and many other species. Just swim out from resort.
• Santiago de Cuba beach area
Interesting to snorkel in the Ensenada Juan Gonzales, 25 km southwest of Santiago. In the center of the ensenada a small bay, about 50 meters offshore, is a Spanish ship which was sunk in the war of